When I was a child I used to play with my classmates and my brothers and sisters simples plays , for hours until the night arrived, now I use to play dominoes with my children at home.
I can't remenber many things about my childhood very well. My family was really poor and we did not have beautiful toys , so we had to invente our own games, for that reason we found many ways to enjoyed that difficult time in our lives. I remember when we used to play with the metal seal of the juice bottle, we invented castell, houses and rattle for chritsmas.
Nowadays, children can't find funny games, they getting to use play with x-box or play station.
I think the strugglers in our lives can really built a good personality. Nowadays, our children have everything that they want, and they become bored about a new toy easily and always want new toys developing a consumerist or superficial behavior...I really apreciate this kind of simples things of life. Cheers! Eduardo