Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Carlos Nascimento(Brazil) - What stops you Learning

When i'm worried about something

One of the most important requirements to properly learn English is to be free of external problems and worries.

When you decide to learn English you have to be willing to use your brain only for learning English purpose.

Learning English needs focus on it, so if you're having problems and worries about anything else you won't probably be able to properly learn English.
Financial issues is an example of worry that can make you lose your focus on English learning.

Another example of worry than might stop you to learn English is family issue. This kind of issue definitely might change your mind's focus, because your family is the most important basis of life, so if you're having problems with it, you won't be able to use your brain for anything else.
If you really want to increase your successful chances to properly learn English you'll have to be willing to keep your head clear of external problems and worries.

By Carlos


  1. For me this is the first thing that makes me lose my concentration in studies. In Australia where I have a problem, especially family issue.

  2. Yes. Same like me, if something happened to me that make me worried about it, I dont want do anything including study!!!!!
