Wednesday, 7 September 2011


Nowadays, English is one of the most popular languages to study. But for many learners, English learning may be a little bit hard. Some of them give up halfway. Also, there are some bad feeling about a person who learning English. How to solve the problem of learning and placate the bad feeling? There are some problem of  leaners, also some methods after this paragraph. First, to be free of external promblem and worries. Second, afraid of speaking English. Third, what will happen when leaners had a bad teacher. 

One of the most important requirements to properly learn English is to be free of external problems and worries. When you decide to learn English you have to be willing to use your brain only for learning English purpose. Learning English needs focus on it, so if you're having problems and worries about anything else you won't be able to properly learn English. Financial issues are an examples of worry that can make you lose your focus on English learning. Another example of worry than might stop you learning English is family issues . This kind of issues may change your mind's focus, because your family is the most important basis of life, so if you're having problems with it, you won't be able to use your brain for anything else.
If you really want to increase your successful chances to properly learn English you'll have to be willing to keep your head clear of external problems and worries.

When you feel afraid of making mistakes, it stops you learning. You don't want to make mistakes, for you think you have to speak English fluently and perfectly, this is what doesn't give you any confidence. In my case, it often used to happen. Whenever I was afraid of making mistakes, my voice got smaller than normal times. Even if my English was correct, nobody couldn't understand what I said because of my low voice. Moreover I cared about English grammar when I talked in English. Once I though about that, I stopped talking and started thinking about that. It stopped us communicating and made us uncomfortable. It's good to make mistakes, because locals might correct my mistakes. Once  I know the mistake, I won't make the mistake any more. Making mistakes help you so much. Just have a little confidence and be strong! No one cares about your mistakes.

Feeling tired in class is the major problem for all students, whether they are international students or local students. Feeling tired during class time can be frustrating for both students and teachers. There are two main causes of students feeling tired in class, and the cause is either from the teachers or the students. For example, me as an overseas student, am always influenced by my friends to hang out in the middle of the night even though I know I have to wake up early in the morning.

I will talk about causes from teachers, a good teacher or a bad teacher doesn't have any effect on students feeling tired in class. A boring teacher will always be the one that drags students into a boring mood. As most of people know, studying should be serious but that is only what a person that never attends school will say. In my opinion, no matter you're a school teacher or a college teacher, you should always make studying fun. Students that feel boring will never learn anything, because their mind will just think of going home and they will only pay attention to the time and not on the teacher. Lastly, for ages, these problems can not besolved because most of the students don't have any motivation to study.

Over all, every one have different feeling about learning English. You may feeling sick or make any mistakes, or feel tired. When u have that feeling, you should stop leaning at moment and take a relax. You should solve your problem first, than you can join you study again. This is a good idea to study when you're feeling tired! YOU NEED TO SUMMARISE THE WHOLE ESSAY HERE, NOT GIVE NEW INFORMATION


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