Monday, 12 September 2011

Martin & Nora - How to cook a Pasta

500g of Pasta
1 Bottle of Carbonara Sauce
1 Medium Onion
100g of Mushroom
250g of Sliced Bacon
30g of Butter
100g of Cheese

1. Heat butter in a non-stick frypan, add onion, mushroom and bacon to cook for 10 minutes until it  is  crisps. Then pour the bottle of carbonara sauce into  the  frypan and bring to simmer. Then sprinkle some cheese on the sauce and turn off the stove.

2. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in a pot of boiling salted water and add some herbs and olive oil into it and bring to boil until it is soft. Then drain the pasta and pour the pasta into a big bowl and mix it with the carbonara sauce.